Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

exitmap professionals

Jay McDowell, MBA, CExP

 Professional ExitMap Planner / Featured

President, Exit Plan of Orange County, Inc. ➤  

Jay McDowell’s diverse experience over 30 years in “Corporate America” working for Fortune 100 companies, combined with his passion for coaching people, gives him knowledge of the direct challenges and opportunities that exist for small to mid-size organizations.
He mentors Southern California business owners on the courage, faith and commitment it takes to be a business owner. As your Exit Coach, he will facilitate a 5-Star Team of functional professionals to optimize your Exit / Transition outcome.
“I’m amazed at how many business owners don’t even prepare for the Exit or Transition from their business until it is time to do so. If you want to maximize the value of your business and minimize your tax implications at time of sale it is important to properly plan for it.”

Take the FREE 15 minute
Exit Readiness Assessment here.

  • Listing ID: 5980
  • Professional Class: Executive Coach, Exit Planner
Contact details

19723 W 196th Terrace Spring Hill, KS 66083USA: Kansas - Kansas City Area,USA: Kansas Show phone number jay@ps-mcg.com https://exitplanoc.com/our-process

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