Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

exitmap professionals

Pat Ennis, CExP®, CFP®, CAP®

 Professional ExitMap Planner / Featured

President, ENNIS Legacy Partners | ExitReadiness.com ➤  

With decades of experience in financial services, for-profit and non-profit leadership and management, along with the founding of ELP in 2010, Pat has extensive knowledge and understanding of the many challenges faced by business owners. His knowledge base, experience, and training results in a goals-based, comprehensive approach for business owners’ who are intent on building transferable business value and exiting their business responsibly and successfully.
Technical knowledge is evidenced by the professional certifications of Certified Exit Planner (CExP®), Chartered Advisor of Philanthropy (CAP®) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) Having pursued much training, along with years of ministry experience, Pat is also particularly proficient in meeting facilitation and the “soft skills” needed for clarifying and establishing owner goals and values, and managing a team of advisors in designing and implementing a plan.

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Exit Readiness Assessment here.

  • Listing ID: 5964
  • Professional Class: Exit Planner, Financial Planner
Contact details

9711 Washingtonian Blvd, Suite 550 Gaithersburg, MD 20886USA: Maryland - Gaithersburg Area,USA: Maryland Show phone number pat@ennislp.com https://ennislp.com/free-assessment/

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