Your ExitMap Stock vs Asset Sales
A Side by Side Comparison of Common Tax and Legal Issues
Your ExitMap Interactive Tools:
Stock Sales vs Asset Sales Info Sheet

An asset sale is the purchase of the individual assets and liabilities of a business. A stock sale is the purchase of the owner’s shares of a corporation.
The Internal Revenue Service loves to audit business sales, because anything that benefits one party often costs the other. This info sheet is designed to lay it out for you so that you can see the costs and benefits side by side.
Download the PDF here.
The ExitMap® Assessment©
The First Step to Understanding the Complexities of Preparing a Company for Transition
The ExitMap® Assessment questionnaire consists of 22 questions and produces a high quality 12-page summary report which will be emailed to you. The report ranks the overall preparedness of a company for transition and provides a breakdown of the four major categories of readiness; Finance, Planning, Profit/Revenue and Operations. If you are just starting to think about exit planning or if you just want to know where you and your company stand, this is your first step.