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Exit Planning Articles by Jay McDowell, MBA, CExP

Jay McDowell, MBA, CExP
President, Exit Plan of Orange County

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Jay McDowell started his Coaching business nearly 18 years ago, after a highly successful career as an EVP of Logistics and Supply Chain for the nation’s leading home healthcare provider. He is passionate about coaching business Owners and business Leaders. He is one of the top coaches in Southern California and delivers proven results.

Recent Articles posted by Jay McDowell

Recent Articles posted by Jay McDowell

5 Keys to Finish Your Year with a BANG and not a Whimper….

5 Keys to Finish Your Year with a BANG and not a Whimper…. This time of year, your kids are back in school, you still have hot weather, the holidays are ahead, several family holidays to celebrate. All these interruptions seem to break the concentration of your Team and seem to break their rhythm for the fourth quarter. Don’t fall into that fourth quarter trap of coasting to the finish line. Step up, review your business, get your team together and get them all energized and motivated to finish the year.