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Exit Planning Articles by Pat Ennis, CExP, CFP, CAP

Pat Ennis, CExP, CFP, CAP
President and Founder, ENNIS Legacy Partners

Complete an ENNIS Legacy Partners Exit Readiness Assessment
Pat Ennis has decades of experience in financial services, for-profit and non-profit leadership and management. He founded ELP in 2010 and has extensive knowledge and understanding of the many challenges faced by business owners.
His knowledge base, experience, and training results in a goals-based, comprehensive approach for business owners’ who are intent on building transferable business value and exiting their business responsibly and successfully.

Recent Articles posted by Pat Ennis

Recent Articles posted by Pat Ennis

An Often Neglected Means Of Protecting Business Value

Protect The Business Most Valuable Asset A compelling and common characteristic of successful business owners is optimism. The “glass is always half full” attitude results in the risk-taking, perseverance, and innovation it takes to build, grow, and protect a successful business. Like any personal strength, this optimism can quickly become a weakness when there is a need to plan for the gloomy business contingencies of death and disability. What happens to the business due to either of these less than optimistic events is the last thing an optimistic owner wants to think about. Some might say that perhaps owners don’t care if the business fails ... Read more

Succession Planning or Exit Planning? Small Business Owners Need Both!

One of the questions we often hear from business owners is, “What is the difference between Succession Planning and Exit Planning?  Aren’t they the same thing?”  Surprisingly, they are not.  The next question usually is, “Which one do I need?” The answer is simple.  Whether the business is small or large, family-owned or not, astute business owners always need both. Nearly $10 trillion dollars in business assets will be transferred globally in the next decade, according to Forbes Magazine.  Baby Boomers selling privately owned businesses or transferring them to family members will comprise much of that $10 trillion dollar transfer.  As the market becomes crowded ... Read more

Exit Planning Checklist for 2020

The beginning of a new year is a great time to review your Exit Planning Checklist. All business owners will stop being business owners at some point.  So, there is no better time to begin planning for the inevitable than the present.  The earlier you begin planning, the more options you will have for a successful exit. However, like any strategic plan, it can be difficult to know how and where to begin.  With the start of the new year it’s also an ideal time for us to publish a basic “To-Do List” that will serve you in considering that most significant event as a business ... Read more

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