Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

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Exit Planning Articles by Steven E. Zeller, CFP®, AIF®, CExP®

Steven E. Zeller, CFP®, AIF®, CExP®
Co-Founder, President & Senior Wealth Advisor, Zeller Kern Wealth Advisors

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Steven Zeller has many years of experience working closely with first and second-generation business owners and their families. He advises them on growing and protecting their wealth, consults with them on their company retirement plans, deferred compensation plans, solutions to build the value of their companies, and creating comprehensive written business exit plans. He also provides traditional wealth advisement, including comprehensive retirement planning for individuals, and other financial planning.

Recent Articles posted by Steven E. Zeller

Recent Articles posted by Steven E. Zeller

Build a Successful Business Exit Plan by Using a Planning Process

As a business owner, planning the exit from ownership of your business is probably the single most important decision you will make. When to exit, how much to walk away with, who to sell it to, what’s the most tax efficient strategy in your circumstance, what timeline is most suitable, and what are the areas of business that need to be improved upon to make it marketable, etc.? Those are just some of the things that need to be considered.

A Cash Balance Plan May be a Great Tax- Reducing Benefit to A Business Owner

Like most business owners, you’re likely exploring ways to strategically grow your revenue, increase profits, and minimize taxes. This is a common goal. As your cash flows increase, you may find yourself seeking ways to reduce your growing tax burden. Often, we explore sensible capital expenditures or business reinvestments that align with your strategic goals, which is a healthy exercise.

How a Business Owner Can Effectively Plan Their Exit

Many business owners are finding it difficult to retire or transition out of their business due to a lack of exit planning together with a challenging economic environment. Shrinking cash flow, net income and credit have forced owners into fight-or-flight mode. Several companies have successfully compensated by trying to expand sales and cutting costs. Many small to mid-sized companies, however, have experienced a drop in value, with no end in sight. Owners are also entering the chapter in their life when exiting their business in one way or another is becoming more probable. Unfortunately, the business may not be currently worth what they need it ... Read more

What's Your Purpose in Retirement?

Retirement can be an exciting milestone. It’s also a major lifestyle change. Oftentimes, your daily workday tasks (professionally or if you run your own business) will likely no longer exist. Transitioning into retirement for some is an easy process. Perhaps their profession is not their absolute passion, and they always had other pursuits and hobbies they are ready to explore once exiting from their day job. But for others, their profession or business is their passion. They put all their time and energy into it and are dedicated to their profession for many years. Now suddenly, retirement is on the horizon and work is coming ... Read more

Utilizing a NING Trust as Part of a Business Exit Strategy

The most commonly stated goals of an exit plan for a business owner are to exit their business on their terms, to receive the highest possible value (or their desired value), and to do so in the most tax efficient manner. It takes time to implement the process to accommodate those objectives. When a business owner rushes to sell their business many things can be overlooked including how to set up the exiting transaction in a way that minimizes taxation. Particularly in California, state income taxes are excessive in relation to other states, especially compared to states that don’t have any income taxes. For 2020, ... Read more

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