Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

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The Coaching Skill in Exit Planning

The single most important talent in your exit planning team is coaching skill. I’ve written often in this space about the need for multiple talents, from taxation to legal, financial planning, and risk management. None, however, is more important than coaching.

Let me put it this way. Your planning team can be led from any position, as long as the person leading has coaching skill. If he or she doesn’t, all the clever tax advice or ironclad documentation in the world won’t lead to your successful transition. But if the person leading the team is an experienced coach, you’ll probably be okay.

What is Coaching Skill?

Let’s make it simple. Coaching is asking questions. An experienced coach will ask the questions that no one else does, preferably in a way that doesn’t offend.

Do you want to save money on taxes? Of course, and that should be apparent to every professional involved. Do you want to maintain control until you are paid what the company is worth? Sure. Do you want to ensure that your family is taken care of? Naturally.

These aren’t the questions that derail a transition plan. Here are a few that, left unasked, will.

Is there something more important to you than the proceeds from selling? Is there a part of your legacy that must be preserved if at all possible? Are there non-financial or non-equity stakeholders whose welfare must figure into the plan? Is your family on board with this?

These are the questions that an advisor who is focused on the technical complexities of exiting will often omit.

The Most Important Question

What will you do when you no longer own this business?

For many entrepreneurs, that’s the stumper. Unless you can answer it comfortably, your plan is very likely to fail. Most advisors will ask it in a casual way. “So what will you do next?” They may react little or not at all if your response is “I don’t know.”

When I was active as a business broker, I would decline a listing if an owner couldn’t enunciate a plan for life after the business. In my first book, 11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know about Selling Your Business, I describe a case where an owner declined two offers, each for twice his company’s estimated value. He simply didn’t know what he would do next.

I don’t know” is a signal that the owner can’t envision life without the activity of the business.

Sometimes the answer is too facile. “I’ll play a lot more golf!” Nice try, but I’ve heard many a retiring owner tell me “I never thought I could play too much golf.” Here is an exercise I use with clients to help them visualize the next phase of their lives.

Filling in the Week

Start with the time you currently spend at the business. Include that “quiet time” at the beginning or end of the day when you like to think. Add in answering emails and texts at home or reading reports and articles on the weekend. Let’s say, conservatively, that you are engaged with your business for 50 hours a week.

Now, let’s start retirement with golf every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That’s a lot of golf, but we have only consumed about 15 hours of your workweek. What else?

Many folks will say they want to do more community service. Unless you plan to take on the full-time responsibility of running a charitable organization, let’s try simple volunteering to start. Two half-days a week? That’s another ten hours. We are up to twenty-five.

Travel is a big goal. How do four, two-week trips a year sound? That’s an average of another 8 hours a week.

Now you have two months of traveling, 150 golf outings, and 100 days a year working for charity. That only leaves you with about 17 hours a week to fill. Sleep in, exercise more, catch up on your reading?

There are lots of ways to fill the remaining time, but remember we are starting with someone who has a lot of plans. Many business owners have none.

Unhappy Exits

According to a survey by the Exit Planning Institute, up to 75% of former business owners are unhappy with their exits one year after selling.

I don’t know of any of my clients who are unhappy with the results. Perhaps that’s just luck, but I like to think it’s at least partially due to my coaching skill. The technical and financial complexities of a successful transition are nothing to sneeze at, but helping an owner be prepared is so much more than that.
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John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

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