Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

exit planning blog

Your ExitMap Blog gathers contributions from top exit planning professionals across the country that are indexed into four categories. They include select strategies for planning your exit, ideas for building your company’s value, transfer options you can choose from, or preparing to enjoy your post-exit lifestyle. This page shows the most recent posts from Your ExitMap Blog. If you are seeking a qualified exit planning professional, you can view a map of specialists here.

All articles are copyrighted by the authors, and reprinted here with permission. Each author’s contact information is available via a link at the end of the article.

Most Recent Your ExitMap Blog Articles

Most Recent Blog Articles

Lifestyle or Legacy - Part 3

Let’s turn to the Legacy Builders.They are the business owners who have achieved Lifestyle status (as defined in the last posting) but continue to work hard to build their businesses. Their objective is a company that does far more than merely provide a comfortable lifestyle and assure retirement. A little bit of elimination to start, as we did with the Lifestyle owners. Just as we said a Lifestyle Business was neither a pumped-up hobby nor merely an adjunct to an alternative lifestyle, the Legacy owner isn’t a couple of things that people might normally assume. Let’s set a baseline. The typical Legacy Builder runs a business ... Read more

Lifestyle vs. Legacy - Part 2

Let’s define a lifestyle business. For our purposes, I’ll start with what it isn’t. It’s not the small retail store being run by someone who doesn’t need the money. A few years ago I was on a judging panel for a business award. One of the finalists told her story of how she struggled and labored to build her company. I was getting pretty impressed, until she mentioned that she hadn’t turned a profit until her 13th year in business. Fortunately, she said, her husband was a prominent surgeon and could afford to absorb her losses indefinitely. That’s not a business, it’s a hobby. And it’s ... Read more

Lifestyle vs. Legacy - Part 1

There are three types of business owners. The first, which encompasses the vast majority of small businesses, is the one who simply wants to make a living from running his or her business. They dream of the day that they can take vacations without worrying about the impact on their companies. Sometimes the biggest goal is to go home at five, or just to sleep through the night without worrying about the next day (thus the name of this blog). But if you are tenacious, if you execute on your plans and are able to groom good employees, eventually you will join the owners who ... Read more

Hunters and Farmers

Several times monthly, I interview entrepreneurs who are considering membership in The Alternative Board® as a means to improve their business. Part of the process is asking each one what his or her core skills are – the things that made them successful. Many, and perhaps a majority, start the answer by lowering their voice a bit. “Well first of all,” they say, “you have to understand that I think I’m a little bit ADD.” No kidding? You started a company because the job you had wasn’t moving fast enough for you. You wanted to have greater say over your environment. You kept looking at other areas that ... Read more

A Goal isn't a Finish Line

I was going over some productivity numbers with a long term client. “Remember when our goal for this was 2000 man hours?” he said. “Now we are below 1200, and closing in on 1100, and with greater volume!” Everywhere we looked his numbers were at levels we couldn’t have imagined 10 years ago. I don’t mean numbers he couldn’t have hit back then, but numbers we literally couldn’t have imagined. Some of it is the result of investments in technology, in better systems and in training.Most of it, however, is because he has developed a culture of always, always looking for the next improvement. Note ... Read more

Small Business can Sell in a Recession

This was an article I had published in the San Antonio Express News yesterday. Guest Voices: Small businesses can sell in recession Many business owners think that the current recession has ruined their exit strategy. While the climate may be more daunting for budding entrepreneurs, there are still plenty of buyers around for small businesses. For Main Street businesses (those selling for less than $3 million), buyers chiefly are driven by personal economics. They are seeking a business as a way to make a living. Their main objective is cash flow, the amount of discretionary income the business generates to cover bank debt and an ... Read more

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Are you just beginning your exit planning journey? Here are two short articles from Your ExitMap Blog to help get you started.

3 Inarguable Reasons
What the Heck is exit planning?

How prepared are you to
exit your company?
The Assessment breaks down the four major categories of exit readiness; Finance, Planning, Operations and Revenue/Profit.

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Exit Preparedness Quiz

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