Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

Entreprenuers Don’t Use Rearview Mirrors

All business owners are goal oriented. From the day you founded or assumed control of your company, you set targets and achieved them. That is why you are successful. You know how to define a goal and make it happen.

If I asked you to tell me the best thing that you did in the business three years ago, you’d likely respond with, “I have no idea.” or “Why would I know that?” or “Who cares?” You are busy looking forward.

I’ve even had some owners get angry. They feel some obligation to know the answer, and that they are somehow failing a test if they don’t. The fact is, no entrepreneur has ever been able to give me a cogent answer about his or her accomplishments in the past.

If I ask, “What do you plan to do in the coming year?” you will share plans to increase sales, hire new employees, or enter into a new area of business. Whether or not you have a formal strategic planning process, you have a pretty good idea of the changes and improvements you want to implement in the future.

Looking Past the Rearview Mirrors

An entrepreneur’s vision of “What’s next?” is frequently the most neglected aspect of their exit planning. They may term their goals for exiting in measurable, concrete terms. “I want to retire in five years with ten million dollars in the bank,” is an archetypical example. Others will couch their vision in terms of people. “I want financial security for my family, and continuing employment for my staff.”

All too often, their vision for the future deemphasizes or completely neglects their own individual needs. When pressed to enunciate more personal goals, they’ll often respond with something like, “I guess I’ll just play a lot of golf.”

Playing a lot of golf isn’t a retirement plan.

In a recent survey from PwC, they reported that 75% of business owners have regrets a year after they leave the business. The Exit Planning Institute did a survey ten years ago with the same result. According to Riley Moines, author of The Ten Lessons: How You Too Can Squeeze All The “Juice” Out of Retirement, six months to a year is the typical initial “vacation” period when a retiree catches up on travel and recreational activities.

After that first year, the reason so many ex-owners are unhappy is because they didn’t have a clear vision for their life after the business. Their expectations simply did not take into account the reality of what would happen when they were no longer spending the majority of their time working.

Leaping into the Void

When I ask about their plans for next year, some owners are more specific than others. But none of them ever say, “I don’t know. We may make money, or we may lose money. We may grow, or we may shrink. Whatever happens, happens. It doesn’t matter.”

Why would anyone expect that an entrepreneur who has driven towards goals for their whole life will suddenly be happy without purpose, without identity, and without a plan? It isn’t surprising that so many owners are reluctant to discuss exit planning at all. Life without the daily challenges and decisions that come with running a business seems unattractive. Their vision of the future is unclear.

The success of an exit strategy depends less on the amount of money your transfer generates than it does on your personal satisfaction. Unless you can identify a vision for a “next act” that is more appealing than what you are doing now, business ownership will never be in your rearview mirrors.

John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

Avoiding the “Exit” Word

Owners don’t like the “Exit” word. They tell us regularly to change it, or that talking about it is uncomfortable. It’s the elephant in the room.

I understand. Anyone selling life insurance or funeral pre-planning knows that you don’t start with “So, let’s discuss what happens when you DIE.” For business owners, leaving the business is like a little bit of death. That’s why black humor in the exit planning world goes like this. “There are seven ways to exit your business. Six of those are head first.”

Your company has been the central focus of your life for twenty or thirty years, and perhaps more. It is so ingrained in your persona, your self-identification, that it’s frightening to think of that part of your identity disappearing.

Who is Bob?

When Bob leaves home every day to run Bob’s Widgets, he assumes the superhero cape of the owner. He walks in the door of the business as the head honcho, el hefe, the final word, the boss. That cape never comes off. The employees might go out for a beer after work, but he never becomes just one of the guys (especially when the table check comes.) The employees are careful about what they say around him, and he self-censures his conversations with them.

Just as importantly, that cape is always present in his personal life. He is Bob, the owner of Bob’s Widgets, everywhere he goes. At the kids’ sporting activities he is asked to sponsor (“It would be good for your business!”) In his church, at the Chamber of Commerce, and at parties he is introduced as “Bob, the owner of Bob’s Widgets.”

He overhears the identification at family gatherings. “Oh, that’s Sally’s cousin Bob. He owns his own business.” When his friends discuss their jobs, a bad boss, pending layoffs, or a reorganization they say “Of course you don’t have to worry about these things, Bob. You own the company.” (Ah, if they only knew…)

The “Exit” Word

So the word “exit” has a finality that jars a lot of clients. Advisors use lots of alternatives, like transition, succession or continuation – all of which imply an ongoing process, albeit one that doesn’t include you. Why would an advisor use the term “Exit” at all if it could be avoided?

We face up to it because it’s the elephant in the room. I am an Exit Planner. My companyex sells Exit Planning tools to advisors. We conduct the annual National Exit Planners Survey™. Our ExitMap® suite of coaching tools uses that word on virtually every page.

We use it because a coach is a trusted advisor, and a trusted advisor always speaks the truth. Not some of the time. Not just when it is agreeable. Not when it can’t be avoided. All of the time. The coaching relationship should be comfortable, but not too comfortable. Introducing a bit of unease to reinforce a point is part of the job.

I use the “exit” word to describe the final outcome of an implemented business plan. It usually involves a transaction, with legal documentation of a sale or other transfer mechanism. It can also include detailed succession planning for family members or a management team. We often discuss continuation – what happens if the plan is accelerated by unfortunate circumstances. Retirement might have a place in the conversation, or it might be about designing a “second act” or pursuing your life’s passion.

But all those terms, whether synonyms or euphemisms, are encompassed in the  “exit” word, We might as well get that on the table from the outset. If you start the advisory process by ducking anything that a client finds uncomfortable, you aren’t serving your purpose as a coach.

Let’s be Honest

Let’s agree to call a business transition what it is. Whether an owner wants to sell the business to a third party, create a family legacy through his or her children, finance a leveraged buy-out to employees, or just close down in an orderly manner, the ultimate objective is to exit.


John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

Contingency and Continuity Planning

When business consultants talk about preparing for unforeseen problems, they frequently commingle the terms contingency and continuity. The terms are not synonymous, and there are important differences between them.

Contingency Planning

Contingency planning is generally accepted to mean how a business will respond in the event of a disaster. This could entail a building fire, severe weather, a strike of key service workers, civil unrest, or riots (depending on the audience.) Additionally, in the age of cybersecurity, ransomware or a denial of service attack, identity theft, and electronic fraud are all well qualified to be categorized as disasters.

Generally speaking, these are all insurable events. Contingency planning often recommends insurance as a major component of preparedness along with remote working capabilities or alternative production resources. In privately held businesses, however, contingency planning has one weakness.

It assumes that the owner of the company will be available to oversee the implementation of the plan.

What if the disaster is at the top of the pyramid? Most businesses need a continuity plan that addresses the sudden absence of the owner. We start the conversation with a simple scenario.

“What if you are hit by a bus on the way to work tomorrow? You are rushed to the hospital, and no one knows where you are. When they find out, it appears that you will be unable to respond to questions for weeks, if not months. How will the business operate for that time?

Continuity Planning

Exit Planning is presumably designed around a voluntary departure from the business, but what if it isn’t voluntary? Where contingency planning looks at a variety of financial risks, continuity planning is focused on the operational problems of an owner’s absence.

Continuity planning starts with the most elementary task-based assignments. We ask questions like, who opens the business? Who informs the employees, the customers, the vendors, and the bank? How are they told, (By email, phone call, personal meeting, or teleconference?) Who distributes funds, draws down the credit line, and signs contracts? Are there specific customers or vendors who will require special treatment?

Additionally, if employees are expected to step up to a higher level of responsibility, will they receive contingent compensation attached to their added duties? Many owners rightfully anticipate that employees will shoulder additional duties out of loyalty, but loyalty has a limit. What if they are in this position for months?

Are there limits on the employees’ decision-making authority? Can they decide on new capital investments, or enter into new vendor relationships? If there is a dollar limit, who has the authority to exceed it if necessary? Who are the key advisors they should consult if they have questions? Is there a compensation agreement with those advisors if they need to be closely involved or engaged for an extended time period?

Contingency and Continuity

These are just a few of the operational answers required on Day One. The owner’s extended or permanent absence will also involve decisions about credit facilities, family income, real estate, working capital, buy/sell agreements, licenses, cybersecurity, and the long-term disposition of the business.

We take a practical look at the issues of an owner’s absence from the business, whether it is planned or unplanned. Continuity planning is just one component of modeling “life after the business.” For the great majority of exit planning discussions, it is a useful but not urgent exercise. If a Continuity plan is needed, however, it may be the most important thing we’ve done for that client.

John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

A Hazy Crystal Ball is Better than a Rearview Mirror

Crystal BallSeveral years ago, I did a cross-country trip with my family. We laid out a rough plan of what we wanted to see, how long it’d take, and most importantly, what we wanted to eat!

When we hit the road, I did not drive looking primarily in the rearview mirror, with an occasional glance at the gas gauge and the road signs. I looked ahead and tweaked the plan. Yet, that is often how business owners run their businesses. Often, this year’s business planning consists of, “let’s do what we did last year – just more of it.” We look at whether we have cash in the bank, check our financial statements, and compare how we fare against last year. Although this is a common practice we should run our businesses with an eye on the future.

No one has a crystal ball that provides perfect clarity on the future. A million factors and forces affect our business and most of them are not within our control. Forecasting and planning require looking ahead a taking our best (hopefully educated) guess on what the future holds. I want to convince you that a rough, hazy plan is better than no plan at all!

If you do not know where to start, here are some practical pointers.


Every forecast needs to answer the following questions:

  1. Where am I? Assess your revenue, profitability, operations, market position and see how you are doing. What is working well and what isn’t?
  2. Where do I want to be in the future? Lookout 3 to 5 years and write down goals. How much revenue growth, how much net income growth, what improvements are necessary for the business?
  3. HOW do I get there? This is most critical. Identify actions/investments you could take/make to attain your goals. These might include:
  4. • Establishing new markets
    • Creating new products
    • Adding key staff
    • Improving processes

  5. What is most important? Prioritize your improvements and plan them over 3 to 5 years. Tackle 2-3 goals per year.
  6. The end result should be:

• How much will my revenue grow in the next few years?
• What improvement do I need to make?
• How much will my bottom line grow in the next few years?
• Who do I need to hire/get on the bus?
• How much will this cost?


Once the plan is created, establish a consistent review and adjust as needed. This may include:

  1. Review your monthly financial performance against the plan. Include revenue, cost of goods, overhead, net income, and other appropriate key metrics. This implies a monthly budget.
  2. Conduct a monthly review of strategic projects. Routinely assess whether you are making progress on your major goals. Are you ahead? On track? Behind? Dead-in-the-water?
  3. Adjust course. If you are not “on the plan,” why? What are the causes of the variance and what do you need to do to get back on track?
  4. Modify the plan as needed. The “crystal ball” is hazy and there is no perfect plan. As you adjust you will learn your capacity for change and identify ways to improve.

Start Now and Keep It Simple

In planning our road trip, we identified key sights to see along the way and saw most of them. We paced ourselves and enjoyed the trip. You may not know how to forecast, but you DO know your business! Trust your experience and make a “road trip” plan to identify the following, at a minimum:

  • Revenue goals for next 5 years
  • Net Income goals for the next 5 years
  • New Critical Hires & the cost
  • Major projects & the cost

When you shift your gaze out, you are more able to see the business as an asset, rather than a job. The team knows where you are going and will often get on board to help you stay on track. Looking ahead allows you to see the potholes in the road before you hit them and it helps the journey become more predictable. Hopefully, you will start to enjoy the business more. Proven ability to grow is a key value driver when selling a company but, it may also help you build the company you want to KEEP!

Corby Megorden is a Principal at ENNIS Legacy Partners. The mission of ELP is to help business owners build value and exit on their own terms and conditions.

Die at Your Desk or Go Golfing?

male playing golf

Die at Your Desk or Go Golfing?

The truth of the matter is, every small business owner will eventually transition from the business. While most have spent much time working in the business, and at times on the business, they have not given much thought to what to do after the business.

Whether you love your work so much that you would be happy to die at your desk, or you would like to devote much more time to your golf game, every small business owner needs to consider how they plan to exit. And planning has significant benefits.

The Business Enterprise Institute defines three major objectives that a business owner should consider before reaching that point where they must exit the business.

    Timing of your exit – When do you want to leave?
    Financial needs after exit – how will you support the post-exit lifestyle you desire?
    Who’s going to take care of your baby and run the business when you are not there?

When do you want to leave the business?

Unless you want to die at the desk, you will want to consider at what point you desire to make the transition. Pick a time frame and begin considering the implications of that time frame. When do you back out of the day-to-day operations? How long do you take to do this…years or months? Can I effectively transfer the company to whom I wish to transfer it within that period? How long will it take to train my successor or children to be owners? Will I be able to realize my financial goals within that time frame? Will market conditions lend toward a successful sale to a third party? The time frame you decide on is a key driver. And, it is essential to establish at least a target date, or you could end up on the perpetual “I’m going to leave in around five years…” merry-go-round.

What income do you need?

Depending upon the success of the organization, answers to this question vary widely. You may not require any income from the business and would happily pass on the business to family members or key employees without any benefit to yourself. However, The large majority of owners require some type of income either from the business at the sale, or a residual income stream from the ongoing operations of the business. There are a wide variety of approaches to defining how a payout can occur, as well as the timing of it. Engaging tax lawyers and accountants at this point is significant to walk alongside your financial planner to plan out the remaining years so that you can enjoy the standard of living that you desire as well as pass on value to your children, your state, or your favorite charity. As much as we all enjoy supporting our local and federal governments, wise tax planning in this phase is very significant. Making the wrong choice can result in significant tax consequences, hindering your ability to use the value that you have built into the company.

Who’s going to watch over your company?

Hopefully, you have enjoyed working in your business and there is a sense of giving up “your baby” to someone else. Choice of a successor is a significant, and often an emotional decision. There’s the emotional aspect of giving up your hard-won successful business, as well as a desire to take care of those faithful employees who have served over the years in your company. Several options exist, from passing the business on two children, selling it to key employees, selling it to a trusted third party, or even an employee stock ownership program. So significant factors come into play here – the most critical being who has the skills, knowledge, and temperament to own and run the company as well as you have.

Should a business owner have family in the business, the above questions become even more significant. Taking the time to thoroughly discuss your goals and desires with your spouse, children in the business and children not in the business are all very significant. It’s often been said, that on our deathbed we do not desire to have another day in the office, but another day with our family. Planning enables conversations to be had so everyone’s expectations are clearly understood before that day when the transition occurs.

Corby Megorden is a Principal at ENNIS Legacy Partners. The mission of ELP is to help business owners build value and exit on their own terms and conditions.