Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

Exit Strategies – The Road Less Traveled

The road less traveled is often a misimpression when considering a transition from business ownership. Surveys show that roughly 85% of owners expect their exit to happen via a sale of the business to a third party.

A third-party sale is certainly attractive. The idea of monetizing decades of work in one lump-sum payoff seems equitable. Years of sacrificing to “invest in the business” is supposed to generate a return. “He (or she) sold the company” when applied to someone who is clearly enjoying a comfortable lifestyle in retirement acts as an advertisement for the benefits of cashing out.

Unfortunately, that isn’t only less frequent than assumed, but it’s so infrequent as to be close to a rarity.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Baby Boomers owned businesses at about twice the rate of previous or succeeding generations. Franchising and an overcrowded job market for corporate careers drove about 6% of Boomers into entrepreneurship, where the traditional average for business ownership is closer to 3% of the population.

A decade ago, according to the SBA, about two-thirds of all businesses between 5 and 500 employees were owned by persons 48 years old or older. Today, just over half are owned by folks over the age of 58. That makes it pretty safe to extrapolate that around 4% of that age group still own businesses.

Census data puts the number of persons turning 65 years old at 10,000 a day, so it’s a decent guess to say that 400 of those, on average, probably own a business. That’s 2,800 a week, or about 140,000 a year. Not everyone exits when they hit 65, and almost 90% of those businesses employ fewer than 20 people.

For exit planning discussions, let’s divide the under and over-20 employee companies into two groups, which we will call “Main Street” and “Mid-market.” (Note- this is not a valid market definition of those two terms. For further explanation see the Afterword in my most recent work The Exit Planning Coach Handbook.”)

Main Street companies would then be 90% of our 140,000 owner population. That’s 126,000 businesses. According to the IBBA, Business Brokers sell about 8,000 Main Street companies annually, or about 20% of those they list. That leaves 92% of Main Street owners to find another way.

Of the 14,000 or so that we are classifying as Mid-Market, Private Equity activity accounts for about 6,000 transactions annually, many of which are handled by brokers. (So there is an unknown amount of double counting here.) The last two years saw a spike of about 50% in acquisitions due to low interest rates, but it is safe to say that at least a third of these presumably very desirable middle-market businesses have to find an alternative exit plan.

Advisors Ignore the Numbers

With these statistics, why do owners and their advisors continue to focus on exit strategies that only work for a small minority? The higher visibility of transactions is part of the bias, as are the higher professional fees that they generate, but the biggest issue is a lack of advisor education.

Advisors who work with owners approaching a transaction have an obligation to inform them of their options. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. We survey the exit planning industry annually. Only between 5,000 and 6,000 advisors claim exit planning as an offered service. That’s an advisor-to-owner ratio of 23:1 each year. If we consider the entire remaining population of Boomer-owned employers, that ratio is five hundred to one.

Most owners have 50% of more of their personal net worth in the business. Yet we continue to see financial planners who base their clients’ retirement calculations on an unconfirmed estimate of what the company will contribute via a third-party sale, when such a sale may be the least likely outcome. A financial plan for a business owner cannot be holistic if it doesn’t consider 50% of his assets.

Attorneys and accountants frequently report that the first time they interact with a client about exiting is when a purchase offer is already on the table. Proactive discussions about eventual transfer or succession are usually brief, and cease when the client says “I’m not ready yet.” They let their clients postpone the discussion until circumstance or happenstance intervenes.

Business Brokers, of course, only talk to clients who have already decided on their preferred course of action. As a former Certified Business Intermediary, I can say from experience that unfortunately, most have no alternative for the 80% of listings they can’t sell.

The Road Less Traveled

The truth is, despite popular conceptions to the contrary, sales to third parties are the road less traveled. Certainly, many lifestyle businesses are really jobs and have to close when the founder/owner/CEO retires. Many others, however, could recoup the owner’s investment with a structured transfer to employees.

road less traveledGiven a few years, most owners could hire and train a suitable buyer. That usually requires support, since few have experience in recruiting and teaching someone to do what they do. There is also some education involved to help the owner understand how investing in a top-flight employee today can pay huge dividends in the future.

Additionally, there is the issue of owners who believe that they have to keep any rumor of their impending retirement from others in their industry. Customers, vendors and competitors are a fertile market for acquirers. A good advisor can act to maintain confidentiality when putting out feelers.

Advisors need to be more proactive in approaching clients about their objectives and their options. Initiating a structured conversation around both is in the best interest of the client and the advisor. They may choose to avoid the road less traveled.

John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

Focus On Net Proceeds And Not Just Sale Price When Selling Your Business

John was excited as “today is the day!” Twenty-five years ago this month he had started his home remodeling business with a truck and a tool belt, and today at 3pm he was going to the deal table to sell his business to a much larger remodeling company. It would be a strategic purchase for the buyer who was willing to pay a premium with a goal of expansion in the region. With the check received today, John knew he could now do everything he and Kim had thought about doing for years — travel, more time with the family and for hobby’s and other interests they both enjoyed.

The amount received actually exceeded John’s “number”, and hence, he and Kim spontaneously pulled together a celebration dinner with family and a few close friends at their favorite restaurant. John had done a great job through the years building a “saleable business” focusing on a strong management team, strong financial performance, a plan for growth, up-to-date systems and processes and other value drivers which and now he was reaping the rewards. There was indeed much to celebrate!

Fast forward, six months later: John has come to realize that his number needed to be quite a bit larger than what he had originally calculated. In whatever way he had performed his calculations, he failed to consider to the extent needed, or at all, the following important factors in the equation:

• Of the $10 million in proceeds, he was going to net approximately $6 million after these charges/expenses:

o Transaction and professional fees.
o An asset sale was negotiated and there was income tax on some asset depreciation recapture.
o $1 million in business debt needed to be repaid.
o Capital gains and affordable care act taxes.
o Miscellaneous expenses including “stay bonuses” for two key employees.

John was in a small percentage of small business owners who have built a saleable business and actually sold it for their “number”. For that, he is to be commended and congratulated. At the same time, John was now experiencing much regret and was actually concerned about his financial ability to do everything he and Kim had planned on. What could have John done differently when planning for this most significant event? Worked with his exit, financial, transaction, and tax advisors well in advance of the sale in calculating the real number… net sale proceeds…and whether or not he and Kim could do all they wanted with that number.

Pat Ennis is the President of ENNIS Legacy Partners. The mission of ELP is to help business owners build value and exit on their own terms and conditions.

Impressions of Value in Exit Planning

Business owners, advisors, and buyers frequently have widely different impressions of value when it comes to a business.

The Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Survey canvasses intermediaries who sell privately held Main Street and mid-market companies. One question is about the obstacles that prevented the sale of a business. The number one response is “Owners’ unreasonable expectations of value.”

That may be self-serving or an excuse. Nonetheless, valuation is a sensitive subject. Many owners have worked in the business for 30 or 40 years. They assume it will fund their next 20 years of retirement. Their target price is set only by their desired lifestyle after the business.

Different Values for the Same Business

Unfortunately, many owners have an opinion about the value of their business that is grounded in the multiples of public companies. Others are based on conversations with colleagues, salespeople, and articles in their trade publications.

Impressions of valueEven those who have professional appraisals of their business may not understand that the purpose for getting your valuation may skew the results. Valuations that are done for estate planning or internal transfers of equity often have little resemblance to a company’s fair market value.

Various people including H.L. Hunt and Ted Turner have said “Money is just a way of keeping score.” For many owners, the emotional tie between the perceived value of their company and their self-image of success is closely connected.

Some advisors skirt this issue by recommending that their clients get a professional opinion of the fair market value of the business. While this is certainly a safe approach, it can take substantial time. It also requires considerable assembly of the underlying data for the appraiser. This can slow down any consulting project considerably and may derail it entirely.

Impressions of Value

A coaching approach helps the owner understand the practical boundaries surrounding the value of the company without either dictating to him or taking the project in a tangential direction. We do that by helping the client model “lendable value.”

We start by explaining that most businesses are valued by their cash flow. There are certainly many areas where value can be enhanced. These include intellectual property, exclusive rights to a product, protected sales territory or long-term contracts. Owner Centricity™ or customer concentration can also reduce the fair market pricing of your business. In the final analysis, however, cash flow to pay an acquisition loan is of principal concern to a lender.

SBA minimums for financing include a cash-to-debt service ratio (1.25 to 1) and required owner compensation – usually $75,000 a year for acquisitions under $500,000 and twice that for larger deals. While not all lenders follow SBA guidelines, they are a useful national baseline for looking at your value.

The company may well be worth what you think it is, but finding a lender to finance it is a different problem. Understanding a lender’s impression of value before starting sale negotiations can save you considerable time and negotiation down the road.

John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

Owner Obstacles to an Exit Plan

Owner obstacles to the implementation of an exit plan are often unconscious, but they can be dramatic.  Their attachment to the business can be difficult to break. An advisor spends a lot of time and energy developing the vision for life after ownership in the hopes that it is far more attractive to them than their current role in the business.

Yet no matter how well developed that vision is, or how well defined the action steps are, it isn’t unusual to find owners who behave in a way that ultimately sabotages the plan. Sometimes their actions are even intentional, but more often they aren’t. The problems arise in two ways.


“Death from Inattention”

We always ask exit planning clients for two target dates. The first is when they want to be relieved of day-to-day operational responsibilities. The second is when they want to be completely free of any connection to the company.

We tell a client that once we have achieved the first objective, the second may become more flexible. Freed on the task-based duties of running the business, an owner often becomes more strategic. He may start planning for new growth and value creation. She might go back to her role when the business first started when she was the best salesperson or the designer of novel product offerings.

Owners returning to their core skill set are usually a benefit to the business. The problem arises when they enjoy the lack of responsibility so much that they just become owners in absentia.

There is no strategy. The company drifts along on the backs of the operations managers, but doesn’t have a direction beyond “more of what we did yesterday.” There are no new initiatives.

Companies are organic. They are either growing or shrinking. The lack of direction may take a while to have an impact, but eventually, performance will suffer. Getting owners to re-engage after time away can be exceedingly difficult, but if they don’t, the transition is unlikely to accomplish their objectives.

“Death from Over-Attention”

The second obstacle to successfully implementing a transition occurs when owners have surrendered their task-based duties. In this case, they are unable to define their contribution in the absence of being “busy.” They begin looking for ways to contribute, often where their contribution isn’t needed.

It’s not uncommon to begin demanding more accountability and greater detail than is necessary. He or she pours over reports looking for errors, anomalies, or declining results to prove added value.

Another technique used to prove contribution is “seagull management”. An owner may look for opportunities to make decisions but does it without consulting the managers who are in charge of the function. Because they have always known best, they still know best. What isn’t as obvious is that they are now working in a vacuum, with little knowledge of what went before. The results are usually not ideal.

A third way owners might evidence over attention is with a “break the rules” mentality. They offer exemptions from policy or circumnavigate systems because they can. Exercising authority shows who is in charge, even if there is little apparent responsibility.

Preventing the Owner Obstacles

We call these “good” obstacles because they typically occur only after some level of initial success in the exit planning process. They are a direct result of relieving owners of the more mundane duties of management, and freeing them up for more effective leadership. Each is preventable with some preparation.

Either issue can be forestalled by including the owner’s next level of responsibility in the planning process. If the owner resists retained responsibilities, then the future becomes plain. Plans can then include the transfer of higher functions to the management team. If the owner insists on maintaining a level of day-to-day control, the coaching process should include defined parameters about what reporting is essential, and how often it will be presented.

owner obstaclesIn either case, owner obstacles occur when the owner is crossing the no man’s land between total focus on the business and the time when it isn’t a recipient of their attention at all. Like any no man’s land, it is unfamiliar territory, and some pathfinding is necessary. That is the exit planning coach’s job.

John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

What’s Your Purpose in Retirement?

Retirement can be an exciting milestone. It’s also a major lifestyle change. Oftentimes, your daily workday tasks (professionally or if you run your own business) will likely no longer exist.

Transitioning into retirement for some is an easy process. Perhaps their profession is not their absolute passion, and they always had other pursuits and hobbies they are ready to explore once exiting from their day job. But for others, their profession or business is their passion. They put all their time and energy into it and are dedicated to their profession for many years. Now suddenly, retirement is on the horizon and work is coming to an end. Alternatively, some people have it in their blood to consistently be achieving something, striving to make an impact and difference.

Whichever the case for you, a meaningful life with purpose is a healthy human condition for life fulfillment and longevity. This perspective has been around for generations. Teddy Roosevelt wrote about it in his book, “The Strenuous Life,” written in 1899. To reference his perspective, here is a quote addressing how to live a fulfilling life:

“I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or bitter toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph. A life of slothful ease, a life of that peace which springs merely from lack either of desire or of power to strive after great things, is as little worthy of a nation as an individual.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Since we’re quoting Teddy Roosevelt about living a fulfilling life, here’s another excerpt from one of his writings titled “Into the Arena”:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

The reason I bring these quotes into this discussion of retirement is that it’s important to remember just because your time spent working up to this point is coming to an end, doesn’t mean you stop laboring or that you don’t need to put effort into new endeavors or into making a difference.

What Are You Going to Do in Retirement?

I was at a gathering recently and in a conversation with two close friends of mine were discussing retirement, and one said to the other, “It’s not whether you can retire, it’s ‘what are you going to do when you retire?’”. He’s right, in my opinion.

The book, “The Magic of Believing,” written by Claude M. Bristol in 1948, wrote of a man he knew: “One man I know who has many achievements to his credit, and who has passed the seventy mark, declared that most people fall by the wayside because they never start anything.

I make it a plan and have for years, to start something new – that is, new for me – at least once a week. It may be only the making of some simple gadget for use in the kitchen, an entirely new sales plan, or reading an unfamiliar book. I find in following this plan not only keeps my body and mind active but also puts to use a lot of imaginative qualities that otherwise might fall asleep and atrophy. This idea of a man retiring when he’s sixty is (in my option) a great mistake.

As soon as a man retires and quits being active mentally and physically, he’s on the way to his grave in short order. You have seen what happens to fire horses when they are retired. You know what happens to your automobile when you leave it outside unused and neglected: it starts to rust and is soon headed for the junkshop. Humans are the same: they deteriorate out or wither and die when they go on the shelf.”

We Need Purpose in Retirement

I have deliberately referenced writings published many, many years ago to point out that this dilemma is as old as time; the human struggle hasn’t changed. We all still need deep purpose in our lives and the ability to make a difference for ourselves and for others to have a fulfilling life. In the practice of helping business owners exit their business successfully, I have heard stories of owners when facing the day of finalizing the sale of their company, don’t show up for the signing. Why? Because all their self-identity and their purpose are in the company they started, grew, and made a great success. To them, parting from it represents an end to all of that and a loss of a sense of control. But exiting doesn’t have to be viewed as an end. But does take careful thought, reflection, consideration, planning, and time to develop a new purpose and consistent passions. For some this is simple, but for others, takes time and consideration. However, it’s a critical area to address. A person who says that finally I’ll have time to play golf will likely find that passion dissipates after a few months and begin to ask, “now what?”

Over the years, our firm has developed a client conversation exercise called “Purposeful Conversation.” Originally, it was developed from our practice of “family legacy development,” We developed our P.C. exercise as a systematized approach to have a deep discussion with a client on “what matters most” to them.

The exercise is broken into three sections: Concerns and Priorities, Commitments and Causes, and Pursuit of Happiness/Life Fulfillment. Each of these areas has nine to twelve potential subjects that a client can consider. We help determine, with the client, the subjects that are relevant and have a deep discussion about importance. This can help them visualize their future, determine their life’s passions during retirement, and help determine what matters most in life. We discuss what makes them happy, what will help them continue to grow, and what brings fulfillment and create a plan now to allow them to focus on and pursue what they desire later.

We also developed a customized workbook to help identify their individual and family values and tie it all into their changing lifestyle.

Pursure Passion in Retirement

Pursuing interests and passions can come in many forms and combinations. Once I took a Lyft from a downtown Denver hotel to the Denver Airport. The driver said that he had started a few tech companies in the past, sold them, and is now driving to meet and learn from other people. I also learned that he decided to learn all he could to master Neuro-Linguistics. This is the study of how verbal and non-verbal language is represented in the brain: that is, how and where our brains store our knowledge of the language that we speak, understand, read, and write. And what happens to our brains as we acquire that knowledge, and how we use it in our everyday lives. I describe it in detail because it’s quite involved! Nevertheless, this gentleman strived to master it and then apply it to his sales training and sales consulting. He told me he was, being hired by companies to facilitate training courses for their sales forces. Wow! Talk about pursuing something else with a passion. I am now connected with him on LinkedIn and learning from him.

You can make a new life in retirement, include whatever you desire, and in a way that brings you maximum fulfillment and meaning. Do whatever “floats your boat,” so to speak.

If you are approaching the runway to land into your retirement years, or the period of your life that transitions you from your profession to your passion, make sure to take time and plan for it. It will be well worth the effort.

I hope you find this article useful. If you have any questions on this subject, feel free to contact me at szeller@zellerkern.com.

Steven Zeller is a Certified Business Exit Planner, Certified Financial Planner, Accredited Investment Fiduciary, and Co-Founder and President of Zeller Kern Wealth Advisors. He advises business owners with developing exit plans, increasing business value, employee retention, executive bonus plans, etc. He can be reached at szeller@zellerkern.com