Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

A Hazy Crystal Ball is Better than a Rearview Mirror

Crystal BallSeveral years ago, I did a cross-country trip with my family. We laid out a rough plan of what we wanted to see, how long it’d take, and most importantly, what we wanted to eat!

When we hit the road, I did not drive looking primarily in the rearview mirror, with an occasional glance at the gas gauge and the road signs. I looked ahead and tweaked the plan. Yet, that is often how business owners run their businesses. Often, this year’s business planning consists of, “let’s do what we did last year – just more of it.” We look at whether we have cash in the bank, check our financial statements, and compare how we fare against last year. Although this is a common practice we should run our businesses with an eye on the future.

No one has a crystal ball that provides perfect clarity on the future. A million factors and forces affect our business and most of them are not within our control. Forecasting and planning require looking ahead a taking our best (hopefully educated) guess on what the future holds. I want to convince you that a rough, hazy plan is better than no plan at all!

If you do not know where to start, here are some practical pointers.


Every forecast needs to answer the following questions:

  1. Where am I? Assess your revenue, profitability, operations, market position and see how you are doing. What is working well and what isn’t?
  2. Where do I want to be in the future? Lookout 3 to 5 years and write down goals. How much revenue growth, how much net income growth, what improvements are necessary for the business?
  3. HOW do I get there? This is most critical. Identify actions/investments you could take/make to attain your goals. These might include:
  4. • Establishing new markets
    • Creating new products
    • Adding key staff
    • Improving processes

  5. What is most important? Prioritize your improvements and plan them over 3 to 5 years. Tackle 2-3 goals per year.
  6. The end result should be:

• How much will my revenue grow in the next few years?
• What improvement do I need to make?
• How much will my bottom line grow in the next few years?
• Who do I need to hire/get on the bus?
• How much will this cost?


Once the plan is created, establish a consistent review and adjust as needed. This may include:

  1. Review your monthly financial performance against the plan. Include revenue, cost of goods, overhead, net income, and other appropriate key metrics. This implies a monthly budget.
  2. Conduct a monthly review of strategic projects. Routinely assess whether you are making progress on your major goals. Are you ahead? On track? Behind? Dead-in-the-water?
  3. Adjust course. If you are not “on the plan,” why? What are the causes of the variance and what do you need to do to get back on track?
  4. Modify the plan as needed. The “crystal ball” is hazy and there is no perfect plan. As you adjust you will learn your capacity for change and identify ways to improve.

Start Now and Keep It Simple

In planning our road trip, we identified key sights to see along the way and saw most of them. We paced ourselves and enjoyed the trip. You may not know how to forecast, but you DO know your business! Trust your experience and make a “road trip” plan to identify the following, at a minimum:

  • Revenue goals for next 5 years
  • Net Income goals for the next 5 years
  • New Critical Hires & the cost
  • Major projects & the cost

When you shift your gaze out, you are more able to see the business as an asset, rather than a job. The team knows where you are going and will often get on board to help you stay on track. Looking ahead allows you to see the potholes in the road before you hit them and it helps the journey become more predictable. Hopefully, you will start to enjoy the business more. Proven ability to grow is a key value driver when selling a company but, it may also help you build the company you want to KEEP!

Corby Megorden is a Principal at ENNIS Legacy Partners. The mission of ELP is to help business owners build value and exit on their own terms and conditions.

Die at Your Desk or Go Golfing?

male playing golf

Die at Your Desk or Go Golfing?

The truth of the matter is, every small business owner will eventually transition from the business. While most have spent much time working in the business, and at times on the business, they have not given much thought to what to do after the business.

Whether you love your work so much that you would be happy to die at your desk, or you would like to devote much more time to your golf game, every small business owner needs to consider how they plan to exit. And planning has significant benefits.

The Business Enterprise Institute defines three major objectives that a business owner should consider before reaching that point where they must exit the business.

    Timing of your exit – When do you want to leave?
    Financial needs after exit – how will you support the post-exit lifestyle you desire?
    Who’s going to take care of your baby and run the business when you are not there?

When do you want to leave the business?

Unless you want to die at the desk, you will want to consider at what point you desire to make the transition. Pick a time frame and begin considering the implications of that time frame. When do you back out of the day-to-day operations? How long do you take to do this…years or months? Can I effectively transfer the company to whom I wish to transfer it within that period? How long will it take to train my successor or children to be owners? Will I be able to realize my financial goals within that time frame? Will market conditions lend toward a successful sale to a third party? The time frame you decide on is a key driver. And, it is essential to establish at least a target date, or you could end up on the perpetual “I’m going to leave in around five years…” merry-go-round.

What income do you need?

Depending upon the success of the organization, answers to this question vary widely. You may not require any income from the business and would happily pass on the business to family members or key employees without any benefit to yourself. However, The large majority of owners require some type of income either from the business at the sale, or a residual income stream from the ongoing operations of the business. There are a wide variety of approaches to defining how a payout can occur, as well as the timing of it. Engaging tax lawyers and accountants at this point is significant to walk alongside your financial planner to plan out the remaining years so that you can enjoy the standard of living that you desire as well as pass on value to your children, your state, or your favorite charity. As much as we all enjoy supporting our local and federal governments, wise tax planning in this phase is very significant. Making the wrong choice can result in significant tax consequences, hindering your ability to use the value that you have built into the company.

Who’s going to watch over your company?

Hopefully, you have enjoyed working in your business and there is a sense of giving up “your baby” to someone else. Choice of a successor is a significant, and often an emotional decision. There’s the emotional aspect of giving up your hard-won successful business, as well as a desire to take care of those faithful employees who have served over the years in your company. Several options exist, from passing the business on two children, selling it to key employees, selling it to a trusted third party, or even an employee stock ownership program. So significant factors come into play here – the most critical being who has the skills, knowledge, and temperament to own and run the company as well as you have.

Should a business owner have family in the business, the above questions become even more significant. Taking the time to thoroughly discuss your goals and desires with your spouse, children in the business and children not in the business are all very significant. It’s often been said, that on our deathbed we do not desire to have another day in the office, but another day with our family. Planning enables conversations to be had so everyone’s expectations are clearly understood before that day when the transition occurs.

Corby Megorden is a Principal at ENNIS Legacy Partners. The mission of ELP is to help business owners build value and exit on their own terms and conditions.

Non-Qualified Plans

When I talk to business owners about “non-qualified plans,” their first reaction is often “Hold on there. I don’t want to get in trouble!”

The term “Non-qualified” merely refers to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, more commonly known as ERISA. As the title indicates, it is the basic set of regulations for retirement plans. If your company offers a 401K or SEP IRA, it has a Qualified Plan. If you have an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), that is also an ERISA plan.

Under the terms of ERISA, a plan must be made available to all employees. In return, the company can deduct contributions as benefit expenses, and the employee can contribute pretax income to the plan.

A non-qualified plan doesn’t comply with ERISA requirements.  It is discriminatory in nature, meaning it is not offered equally to all employees. The employee cannot make contributions, and the employer usually can’t deduct the costs of funding the plan (which is built around future benefits,) as of current expenses.

Most non-qualified plans are designed as Deferred Compensation, thus the common acronym NQDC. The concept is to offer key employees a carrot for long-term retention. It can be enhanced retirement funding, insurance, or one of many forms of synthetic equity in the business.

Non-qualified Plan Types

We can start with the simplest example of NQDC. If an employee remains with the company until retirement, he or she will receive an additional year’s salary upon retiring. This benefit is not sequestered in a secure account anywhere, it’s just a promise by the company. It’s known as an “unfunded” benefit. There is no annual statement, just a guaranty (typically in writing,) by the business.

Non-qualified plansOften, an NQDC is funded by an insurance policy with a death benefit and an increasing cash value. It is owned by the company, which pays the premiums. At retirement, the employee receives the paid-up policy. This approach has the added benefit of lending confidence to the process, as the employee can see the funding and growth of the future benefit.

Synthetic equity may be stock options, phantom stock, or Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs.) In most forms, it is the right to future compensation based on any increased value of the business. For example, if the business is valued at $2,000,000 today, the employee may be given a contractual right to 10% of the difference in value at the time of retirement. If the company is worth $3,000,000 then, the employee would receive $100,000. ($3,000,000 minus $2,000,000 times 10%.)

Valuation, Vesting, and Forfeiture

Non-qualified plans based on equity should have a formula for valuing the benefit. It may be any financial measure such as revenue, pre-tax profit, or EBITDA. The objective is to make it clear to both parties how the benefit will be measured.

Vesting is an opportunity to be creative. The benefit can vest gradually, or all at once at a specific point in the future. An employee may be able to collect once fully vested or, in the case of synthetic equity, may have the right to “let it ride” for future growth if other conditions are met.

Regardless of how attractive a benefit may be, no employment relationship lasts forever. Pay special attention to how you construct acceleration and forfeiture clauses. Of course, no one wants to pay out to an employee who has been terminated for cause, but the employee deserves some protection against being let go just because a promised benefit has gotten too expensive.

Similarly, provisions for accelerated valuation in the case of a change in ownership are common. You also may want to consider rolling the NQDC into a stay bonus agreement if you sell the business. If there are options on actual stock involved, you will need to determine the handling of them if they could pass into the hands of someone other than the employee. That would be triggered by bankruptcy, divorce, or death.

Benefits of Non-Qualified Plans

As I described in my book Hunting in a Farmer’s World, incentives for employees should match their level of responsibility. Production workers have incentives based on their production. Managers have incentives based on their ability to manage.

Your very best people, the ones you want to stay with you through their entire careers, should be able to participate in the long-term results of their efforts for the company. Non-qualified plans are a way to single them out and emphasize your interest in sharing what you are building together.

As always. check with your tax advisor. Setting a plan up incorrectly could result in unwanted or phantom taxation for the company or the employee.

John F. Dini develops transition and succession strategies that allow business owners to exit their companies on their own schedule, with the proceeds they seek and complete control over the process. He takes a coaching approach to client engagements, focusing on helping owners of companies with $1M to $250M in revenue achieve both their desired lifestyles and legacies.

Avoiding Financial Anxiety

worried man with calculatorSeek help and avoid financial anxiety[/caption] Everyone has financial anxiety to some extent. Whether you have a little money or a lot of money does not make a difference. However, when it comes to asking for help, many people avoid seeking financial advice until necessary.
As financial decisions become more complicated, it is far easier to make a mistake. Today more and more people procrastinate on making financial decisions. Procrastination to make financial decisions can ultimately lead to anxiety, delay, or indifference.
In this article, I provide three keys to seek out and accept financial advice from a professional advisor. If you recognize the need for help, whether you are a millennial, a baby boomer, or someone in between, you can increase the odds of making beneficial financial decisions. You can avoid making predictable financial mistakes.
One may ask, “Why can’t I do all of this on my own?” To which, I would respond, “You don’t know what you don’t know!” An experienced financial planner has many clients that are at different stages of their financial lives. They can use their experience of what has worked and what has not worked to help you arrive at a better outcome. Financial success is not only contributed to by the earnings over a lifetime, but it is also the avoidance of predictable financial mistakes.

Who to turn to for Financial Advice?

Let us start with some definitions: A Financial Planner is a professional who helps individuals create a plan to meet long-term and short-term financial goals. A Financial Advisor is a broad term for those who manage money, including investments and insurance products. A Wealth Manager is a financial advisor who utilizes the spectrum of financial disciplines available such as financial and investment advice, legal or estate planning, accounting and tax services, and retirement planning to manage an affluent client’s wealth. Let us place all these labels under the heading of Financial Coaching.
You can decide to work with a Financial Coach based on the financial complexity and after an initial meeting without obligation. This initial contact can take place via an introductory phone call or in-person meeting without obligation. At that time, expect to learn about the financial coach’s value proposition. If financial advice is what you seek, a comprehensive planning process should include: assessing your financial needs, educating you on your financial life choices, recommendations, and a timeline for ongoing review of your financial plan.

Choosing the right Financial Coach

If comprehensive financial decision-making is what you seek, start by looking for a professional with CFP credentials. The CFP credential stands for “Certified Financial Planner” and is the gold standard for financial professionals engaged in financial planning. In addition, look for senior financial planners who have 10+ years of experience with a support team around them. This team might consist of a client relationship manager and an associate financial advisor who is always available to the client for follow-up and execution of action items. The senior financial planner’s job is to get to know your unique financial needs and manage the overall strategy to achieve your financial goals. This process covers important concepts around economic assessment, risk management, and education related to your unique circumstances.

Accepting Financial Advice

Today, everyone faces increasingly complex financial decision-making. In addition, financial information has become readily available to anyone who searches the internet. However, this information is useless without the wisdom to know how to use it. Is it any wonder we fear making financial decisions? It is often difficult to distinguish good financial choices from bad. As a result, many people make financial decisions without knowing the negative impact they will have on other areas of their financial lives until it is too late to correct them.

Seek out a qualified and experienced financial coach/planner to assist you in making your financial decisions. The results may lead to reducing your anxiety around making financial decisions and ultimately improve your overall fiscal well-being.

Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Fixed insurance products and services offered through Legacy Planning Partners, LLC or CES Insurance Agency.

Jan Graybill is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), and holds the Certified Exit Planning Advisor® (CEPA), Chartered Financial Consultant® (ChFC) and Chartered Life Underwriter® (CLU) professional designations. He is a Managing Partner and CEO of Legacy Planning Partners.

Utilizing a NING Trust as Part of a Business Exit Strategy

Signing Trust DocumentsThe most commonly stated goals of an exit plan for a business owner are to exit their business on their terms, to receive the highest possible value (or their desired value), and to do so in the most tax efficient manner. It takes time to implement the process to accommodate those objectives. When a business owner rushes to sell their business many things can be overlooked including how to set up the exiting transaction in a way that minimizes taxation.

Particularly in California, state income taxes are excessive in relation to other states, especially compared to states that don’t have any income taxes. For 2020, the top tax bracket for California is 12.3%. Upon the sale of a valuable business, the realized gains can be substantial enough to hit this top tax bracket, especially if the business has a low cost basis. To put it into perspective; if a company is sold, realizing taxable proceeds of $12,000,000.00, the potential taxation in the state of California is approximately $1,476,000.00. That’s a significant amount but, if planned carefully, this potential taxation can be avoided.

Though it is not the only solution for a California business owner, a NING Trust (Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trust) is a tactic that be utilized to avoid California income taxes, if the right conditions are met.

What is a NING Trust?

A Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trust is an irrevocable trust designed to reduce or eliminate the potential State income tax for high income earners or on a significant capital gains on a sale of an asset, and the owner lives in a high income tax state. An irrevocable trust is often a trust to which the assets placed in it are no longer owned by the Grantor (Owner). Therefore, it has a third party trustee, and the trust and the assets in it are considered to be outside of the Grantor’s estate. However, because the NING trust is considered to be trust with an “incomplete” transfer status, it is still in the owner’s estate, but we will get into the benefits of that later. Because it is a Non-Grantor trust, the trust is the entity that pays the income taxes and not the Grantor, or owner of the assets. Because Nevada does not have a state income tax, a resident or a trust in Nevada would not owe income taxes.

A NING Trust is created under Nevada state laws. It is considered to be a “self-settled” trust, which means you are the creator and primary beneficiary of the trust. The NING trust would be utilized if you have a desire to receive distributions from this trust. Furthermore, you could benefit from a “self-settled” asset protection statue of this trust, which the state of Nevada recognizes. Although Nevada isn’t the only state to recognize this statute, Nevada is a very trust friendly state and is convenient for California business owners, which we’ll get into in a moment.

Estate Planning with a NING Trust

For estate planning purposes, it is important to realize that asset transfers into a NING trust is considered to be an “incomplete gift”. Because of this, the assets in a NING trust will be included in the asset owner’s estate and will receive a step up in costs basis at death, if the low cost basis assets are still existing in the trust. But, you will have the benefit of transferring assets into the trust and not be subject to gift taxes. Furthermore, keep in mind, that the NING trust is for income tax strategy purposes and not for estate planning to reduce an estate tax liability.
So here’s the catch. In order to take advantage of a NING trust, the business owner residing in California that is looking to sell their business should first purchase a home in Nevada or another state without income taxes and establish residence there. You will need to definitely work with a business transaction attorney or an estate planning attorney that is well versed in NING trusts.

Later, the shares of the corporation are placed into the NING trust (after it is established), which then the shares of the corporation are then sold to the buyer. The business owner, now a resident of Nevada, can eventually begin to take distributions from the NING trust. You will need to work with a C.P.A. or tax attorney, but some say that after a year or so after the sale, the Grantor can begin to take distributions from the trust.

NING trusts can only own intangible assets, so shares of a corporation or an investment account. But that is okay in this instance, because the shares are sold and then placed into an investment portfolio to continue to grow.

Maintaining Non-Grantor Status

In order for the trust to maintain a Non-Grantor status or not violate the Grantor trust rules (which would make distributions taxable), the Grantor needs to exercise Powers of Appointment or Non-General Powers of Appointment. This means you retain the power to appoint anyone in the world except yourself, your estate, or creditors of your estate. For this discussion, we will refer to the “Inter Vivos Powers of appointment”, or powers during life. In this situation, distributions must be facilitated by a committee of adverse appointees. Second, the distributions need to be made in a non-fiduciary capacity and based on HEMS (Health, Education, Maintenance, and Support). Adverse committee members may include siblings, children, or other relatives that may be beneficiaries. There are many more nuances to these rules, which we won’t get into for sake of time. Besides, an expert attorney will explain all you need to know.

The bottom line is, this trust has a lot of rules and must be carefully written and set up. But it is feasible.

To Summarize, the trust needs to:
1. Be self-settled to give the grantor the ability to receive distributions.
2. Be a non-grantor trust so that the grantor won’t be taxed on the trust income at the rates of their home state.
3. Ensure the grantor be given a non-general power of appointment to direct disposition of the trust.
4. Furthermore, the transfer of the business to the trust would have to be an incomplete gift, includible in the grantor’s estate at their death.
(source: Save State Income Taxes Using a Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trust; Steven J. Oshins, Esq., AEP & Brian J. Simmons, CFP)

There are other solutions other than a NING trust to accommodate a business exit planning strategy. It all depends on the business owner’s situation, and what state they live in or operate the business in.

If you are interested in learning more about these tactics, or would like to see what solution is best for your exit planning needs, feel free to contact me by email: szeller@zellerkern.com.

Steven Zeller is a Certified Business Exit Planner, Certified Financial Planner, Accredited Investment Fiduciary, and Co-Founder and President of Zeller Kern Wealth Advisors. He advises business owners with developing exit plans, increasing business value, employee retention, executive bonus plans, etc. He can be reached at szeller@zellerkern.com