Exit Planning Tools for Business Owners

Wealth Management for Business Owners

businessman watering money to signify growth

Wealth Management Considerations for Business Owners

Small business owners are at times neglected by the wealth management community as the business is commonly (not always) the owner’s largest asset rather than a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You’d be well-advised as a business owner to engage a Financial Advisor who is proactive and experienced in factoring your future plans for the business, into your overall plan for managing your wealth.


Key Elements of Exit Planning

Impactful wealth management for you as a business owner would include at least these elements of exit planning:

  • Clarifying what “exit” means to you. For example, do you want to leave entirely at some point, or gradually over time?
  • Clarifying your financial, values-based, legacy goals, and what role the business needs to play in attaining your goals.
  • A financial needs and gap analysis with an accurate valuation (not back of the envelope – meaningful planning requires accurate data) of the business. How much $$$$ will you need to do everything you want to do after the business? Is there a financial gap? Will that gap need to be closed by increasing the value of the business?
  • Personal risk management including asset protection, insurance planning, tax planning.
  • A current estate plan — a business owner cannot do exit planning without doing estate planning.
  • A plan to preserve the value of the business (typically a small business owner’s largest asset), and a plan for it to survive during unexpected events of your permanent disability or death.
  • An appropriate plan for managing financial assets resulting from the successful sale or transfer of your business.

Exit planning is wealth management for business owners that requires assessing, preserving, and building the value of your largest and most complex asset…your business.

Invest 15 Minutes and take our FREE Exit Readiness Assessment. We do not request any confidential information.

Pat Ennis is the President of ENNIS Legacy Partners. The mission of ELP is to help business owners build value and exit on their own terms and conditions.

Business Succession Planning Is There Life After Death?

Consider this scenario: You’re part owner of a thriving small- to medium-sized business. You handle certain key responsibilities and rely on your partner to handle others. While your partner is away on business, the phone rings. The shaky voice at the other end of the line informs you that your partner has been fatally injured in a car accident. You’re grief-stricken. At the same time, you realize many people—you, your family, your partner’s family, your employees, customers, and creditors—depend on the uninterrupted continuation of your business. You know you should have planned for this. . .but you just never found the time.

What If I Wait?

<man at cemetery with rosesIs this a situation you secretly dread the possibility of facing because you’ve never “found time” for business succession planning? Once tragedy strikes, it can be the worst time to deal with these issues. Under some circumstances, it may be too late. Consider the following potential risks you could face without a proper business succession plan in place.

An owner’s unexpected death may jeopardize the long-term viability of a company, whether it is a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. For instance, loans may be called, or work in progress may be put on hold until a replacement can be hired. In the meantime, customers may gravitate to your competition, making it difficult to win them back.

Moreover, once a business is in crisis, selling a deceased owner’s interest may result in the surviving spouse or family members settling for a price that is less than fair market value (FMV). Since stock or partnership interests in a closely-held business are not publicly traded, their value is not established without a business succession plan.

Finally, although a deceased owner’s estate plan may have made sense for his or her estate, it could spell disaster for the business. For example, if the company is an S corporation, and the trustees of a family trust become stockholders in the business, an inadvertent termination of the S corporation election may result if the trust does not qualify.

Secure Your Future

A business succession plan helps reassure all parties the business will continue to operate. It establishes a monetary value for each owner’s business interest before the need arises. It also helps prevent problems by coordinating each owner’s estate plan with the business. One of the key components of a business succession plan is a buy-sell agreement.

A buy-sell agreement is a contract that creates a market for a deceased owner’s business interest. It obligates the owner’s estate to sell his or her shares for a predetermined price to partners or shareholders (a cross-purchase agreement); to the business itself (an entity agreement); or to both (a hybrid, or “wait and see” agreement).

Life insurance is commonly used to help fund buy-sell agreements. It provides tax-free money at the owner’s death, and can also help fund a buyout at retirement or in the event of a disability. Points to consider in choosing a policy include the size of the death benefit; the flexibility to change the death benefit as the business’s valuation changes; and the size of the cash value component. Also of importance are the policy’s ownership, beneficiary designations, and endorsements.

Smart Moves Help Beat the Odds

Relatively few closely-held businesses pass to the next generation. A demanding schedule may lead to procrastination. However, with so much riding on a proper business succession plan, investing the time to prepare one now—and to review it periodically—may be one of the smartest business moves you’ll ever make.

Keep in mind you’ll need qualified legal, financial, and insurance assistance in establishing your buy-sell agreement.

Mark Hegstrom is Certified Exit Planning Advisor and helps business owners to plan for what may be their single largest lifetime transaction: the transfer of their business. Get started by completing an exit readiness Assessment for yourself. Mark is Managing Partner at Business Owner Succession Strategies (BOSS). He currently serves as President of the Exit Planning Institute -Twin Cities Chapter.

Are You Prepared for the Next Stage of Your Business?

You’re a successful business owner who’s devoted all your time and effort to growing your company to be a best-in-class provider in the industry. With your head down so long, you’ve probably never thought about what you were going to do as you approached the next stage of life.

man clasping handsPlanning for that next stage before you actually get there can help solve many of the problems today’s business owners often face following an exit transaction. It may sound great to play golf every day, or to sit at the lake and fish, but does that replace the daily rush you had while operating your business?

In the most recent State of Owner Readiness Survey conducted by the Exit Planning Institute, 75% of business owners were dissatisfied with the result of their exit transition, post-transaction.[1] While several factors can contribute to this dissatisfaction, developing a plan – and adjusting that plan based on what drives you emotionally – may help you from becoming one of the statistics. As Churchill once said, “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.”

Many owners think about what’s best for today but aren’t necessarily considering unforeseen situations. And planning for the unforeseen can be what helps transition a business successfully. No one wants to contemplate what might happen to the business if you’re suddenly incapable of running it, and you most likely have key man life insurance that can help cover certain things, but do you have someone in the house who can step in and keep the business afloat in your absence?. Having such a plan in place, and making sure everyone involved in the plan is on board, could help your business continue to be successful during a transition period.

Developing that type of plan also presents your company as more valuable, since it’s not viewed as being solely reliant on one person to run the operation.

After all those years of working to build a respected business, you want to be able to recoup the most value out of your efforts. With a little planning, you just may be able to set yourself up for a better than expected payday in the future.

[1] 2013 “State of Owner Readiness” Survey

This article was first published on the Schneider Downs blog “Our Thoughts On.” John Kohler, CPA, CEPA has more than 15 years of experience in assisting clients in a variety of tax and accounting functions across numerous industries. He actively assists clients with business succession opportunities, helping them identify options for successful ownership transitions to families, third parties, and strategic partners. Complete an Exit Readiness Assessment for yourself.

Succession Planning Starts with “What’s Next”

Asking the Right Question

What makes a business successful? In many small businesses, the owner is the principal driver, particularly from a technical and sales aspect. They are the ones running around, coordinating sales, staying late to ensure that products get made. They are the ones working the relationships with clients to ensure that the orders continue to come in.

man driving carWith all that these individuals is doing, exit planners ask, “have they ever thought about what they want to do next?” Unfortunately, there is a good chance that one of the 5 D’s (Death, Divorce, Disability, Distress, and Disagreement) could affect their businesses. Let us hope that this does not happen. However, we all know what happens when we have hope on one hand and do something else on the other!

Consider this, a $10MM S-Corporation manufacturer, with a single owner. The owner’s best friend is diagnosed with cancer. Now the owner realizes that they want to sell their company because they want to spend more time with their kids and grandkids. Will this business be able to maximize value upon exit?

Three Areas of Focus

Most owners have the majority of their wealth tied into the business. One of the ways to get that wealth is to sell the company. A successful transition plan has three areas of focus:

1. Understanding and maximizing the value of the company
2. Understanding the owner’s future financial needs
3. Understanding what the owner wants to do after exit

The owner has an idea about one of those areas, but it is very vague. Working with owners to understand what they want to do upon exit helps with another area, the owner’s future financial needs. It is important to create a plan to understand how they want to spend their time with their grandkids. For example, the planner may ask, “Do you want to be able to pay for their future college needs, take them on nice vacations every year, or spend time skiing with them?”

Further understanding of what the owner wants to do next will help the financial planner develop an exit plan. They will be able to determine how much money that owner needs to achieve their desired lifestyle.

Once the future needs are determined, the owner can look at the current business value. The company should have a rough idea of business value. For example, it may be a function of EBITDA multiplied by a market multiple factors. While this seems simple, there are ways to improve the overall value of the company. Some of the factors may not be solely financially driven.

Succession Planning Starts With “What’s Next”

Developing a plan that addresses the owner’s exit ahead of time isn’t just good succession planning; it is good strategic business planning. By creating this plan, the owner can understand the context of what the company is worth. They will find ways to maximize business value and take into account their financial needs for the future. And finally, they can create a plan for how they will spend their time and lead to a successful exit from the company. As a result, the owner can enjoy their time instead of wondering, “Did I do something wrong? Could I have gotten more out of the sale? What am I going to do now?”

This article was first published on the Schneider Downs blog “Our Thoughts On.” John Kohler, CPA, CEPA has more than 15 years of experience in assisting clients in a variety of tax and accounting functions across numerous industries. He actively assists clients with business succession opportunities, helping them identify options for successful ownership transitions to families, third parties, and strategic partners.

Preserving Family Wealth is a Generational Effort

Wealth within a family can be a double-edged sword. It can serve as an incredible resource to benefit its family members, but it can also be destructive and divisive. Destructive in the sense that if not properly tended to and respected, wealth can destroy the purpose and outcomes of individual family members, and divisive in the sense that it can damage the bond between family members and cause a splintering of the family.

Wealth and the handling of wealth is a topic that has been discussed or written about throughout the ages, as it is mentioned in both the Old Testament and the Gospels within in the parables of Jesus. Yet often, families don’t properly plan, develop, and practice the preservation and utilization of their wealth in a way that produces favorable outcomes and continues over the generations. The reality that families face is that just because they have addressed the accumulated tangible assets with a planned strategy and structure to transfer those assets, it does not assure that those assets will last and more importantly, promote the growth and well-being of the individual family members, and promote family unity.

So how does a family address this topic? A good place to start is to change the way wealth is viewed and is approached. First, family wealth is capital, which equals potential (Family Wealth = Capital = Potential). That potential can have a positive effect or have a negative effect. Secondly, family wealth comes in multiple forms – Financial capital, human capital, intellectual capital, and spiritual capital. Wealth in a family means more than just money, assets and material resources, it includes all of the other things such as family heritage, reputation, knowledge, education, passions, purpose, relationships, achievements, personal growth, and values. In fact, the other forms of wealth that I just mentioned are arguably more important to preserve and grow than the tangible form of wealth, because without nurturing and expanding the intangible forms of wealth, the tangible wealth is not likely to survive and breaking family harmony as a consequence. The emotional bonds, unity and harmony of the family members are some of the more powerful components that are critical for preserving family wealth long-term.

Within family unity and harmony lies the development of trust, respect, and communication. These components should be developed and strengthened before financial capital is transferred and deployed. We will discuss that later.

Discussing the Four Forms of Wealth

The forms of family wealth that I mentioned are somewhat subjective but are important to realize and work to develop, grow and protect. Strengthening all 4 forms of family wealth promotes purpose, personal growth, happiness, and well-being. Furthermore, the legacy of this wealth involves every family member and spans over several generations.

Financial Capital – Financial capital consists of the tangibles – Investments, savings, bank accounts, real estate, businesses, precious metals, collectibles etc. – The movable and immovable assets that the family owns. Financial capital can provide a powerful tool with which to promote the growth of the family’s human, intellectual, and spiritual capital.

Human Capital – Human Capital is the most important capital. It is the members of the family and their physical and emotional well-being and self-sufficiency. It’s their ability to pursue happiness, having a higher purpose than themselves, their ability to make a positive impact on their community, and the centeredness of maintaining a strong family. Not only is it vitally important to focus on the strength and growth of this capital long-term, the family needs to work, communicate, and cooperate with each other as a team to help assure that everyone is flourishing to the best of their ability, and work towards common goals.

Intellectual Capital – The strength of a family rests on what it knows. The intellectual capital is the knowledge life experiences and wisdom of each of the family members. gaining knowledge, applying knowledge, and other skill sets to preserve the wealth, and apply it in ways that is conducive for the family and well-being of family members. It is also the competencies of each of the family members. Building a strong foundation of intellectual capital will help drive individual purpose, skills, and the applicable knowledge to preserve and respect the financial capital.

Spiritual Capital – As sad as it is, this subject has become controversial within our society as it becomes more secularized. But the spiritual capital ties in with the happiness, well-being and purpose of each family member, in that if they have a strong spiritual foundation, they have a higher power to live for, go to, and from a meaningful perspective, make a positive difference in the world for the sake and love for mankind through God.

Long Term Success of the Family Wealth

The Importance of Family Harmony

Family unity and harmony are vital for the survival of family wealth. The proactive building of trust and communication needs to begin early on as a family. Why? Because it doesn’t happen overnight and requires working as a team and developing the family bonds that are trusting, compassionate, and cohesive. According to some studies, 70% of estate transitions fail and to which the wealth vanishes. Within the 70% failure rate, 60% of that failure rate was due to a breakdown of trust and communication; 25% was due to the failure to prepare heirs; 10% was due to not having a family mission statement; 5% was deemed to be for other reasons.

Because of the high failure rate, due to the breakdown of trust and communication, stresses the importance of the family focusing on it and making a consistent effort to strengthen it. Hence, proactively preparing family members involves resolving the breakdowns in communication and trust. It also requires them to work together to establish a family vision and mission statement, aligning those statements with the financial capital, identifying family values, develop roles for each family member, developing performance and quality standards, and work towards family governance involving the whole family.

There is a process that a family can go through starting with the wealth accumulators, or the first generation of wealth. This journey consists of several tools including a family retreat that involves the first generation or the parents that accumulated the wealth. Later, the other generations are brought into the fold with the beginning of family meetings. From there, the building of communication, trust, common causes, the establishment of values, the fine-tuning of the vision and mission statement, etc. are pursued. When this is thoroughly completed, the family can then work towards establishing roles for each individual, develop leadership skills, and develop family governance.

Ultimately, this is the creation of a family legacy, and as I mentioned in the title of this article, it is a multi-generational process and effort. It also is likely that the family will need professionals to help them through the process, which our firm can provide.

Steven Zeller is a Certified Business Exit Planner, Certified Financial Planner, Accredited Investment Fiduciary, and Co-Founder and President of Zeller Kern Wealth Advisors. He advises business owners with developing exit plans, increasing business value, employee retention, executive bonus plans, etc. He can be reached at szeller@zellerkern.com or complete an Exit Readiness Assessment for yourself now.